Vertunni. La Belle Ferronnière.


La Belle Ferronnière. Little is known about her, except that she was the mistress of King Francis I. He was so enamored of her that he had her portrait done by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting bears his name and has a prominent place in the Louvre. Antique manufacture by Gustave Vertunni, France, circa 1935. Hollow lead figure, filled with plaster. Scale 55mm to the eye line. Overall height : 60 – 65mm.

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La Belle Ferronnière. Little is known about her, except that she was the mistress of King Francis I. He was so enamored of her that he had her portrait done by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting bears his name and has a prominent place in the Louvre. Antique manufacture by Gustave Vertunni, France, circa 1935. Hollow lead figure, filled with plaster. Scale 55mm to the eye line. Overall height : 60 – 65mm.

Weight 0,400 kg



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