Vertunni. Le Général Lasalle. First Empire.


General Antoine de Lasalle (1775-1809). An unparalleled leader of men, General Lasalle was one of the greatest cavalry leaders in our military history. He died at the battle of Wagram, at the head of the charge he had just ordered. We owe him the famous word “Any hussar who is not dead at thirty years is a good-for-nothing!” Old manufacture of Gustave Vertunni, France, around 1950. Solid lead figurine. Scale 55mm to the eye line. Overall height : 60 – 65mm.

1 in stock

General Lasalle. First Empire. Old manufacture of Gustave Vertunni, France, circa 1950. Solid lead figurine. Scale 55mm at the eye line. Overall height: 60 – 65mm.

Weight 0,400 kg




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