Vertunni. Elizabeth 1st of England.


Elizabeth 1st of England (1533-1603). Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boylen. She restored the authority of the Protestant Church. She governed her kingdom with prudence but firmness. As a result, she brought stability to an England that had not known it for a long time. Elizabeth never married, and with her death, the Tudor line died out. Old manufacture of Gustave Vertunni, France, around 1940. Hollow lead figurine, filled with plaster. Scale 55mm to eye line. Overall height: 60 – 65mm.


1 in stock

Elizabeth 1st of England (1533-1603). Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boylen. She restored the authority of the Protestant Church. She governed her kingdom with prudence but firmness. As a result, she brought stability to an England that had not known it for a long time. Elizabeth never married, and with her death, the Tudor line died out. Old manufacture of Gustave Vertunni, France, around 1940. Hollow lead figurine, filled with plaster. Scale 55mm to eye line. Overall height: 60 – 65mm.


Weight 0,400 kg




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